Resolution Recognizing August 11, 2023, as the 50th anniversary of Hip Hop
Last week, Senate Majority Leader Schumer spoke on the Senate floor following passage of his resolution recognizing the 50th anniversary of Hip Hop. 118th CONGRESS - 1st Session - H. RES. 618 - IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
July 26, 2023 - Recognizing August 11, 2023, as the 50th anniversary of hip-hop.
Whereas, on August 11, 1973, Clive “DJ Kool Herc” and his sister Cindy Campbell threw a “Back to School Jam” to raise money for new school clothes in the recreation room of their apartment on 1520 Sedgwick Avenue in the Bronx, New York"
July 26, 2023 - Recognizing August 11, 2023, as the 50th anniversary of hip-hop.
Whereas, on August 11, 1973, Clive “DJ Kool Herc” and his sister Cindy Campbell threw a “Back to School Jam” to raise money for new school clothes in the recreation room of their apartment on 1520 Sedgwick Avenue in the Bronx, New York"